Add User Maker:

Domain Name:


Organizational Unit:

Ex: No Internet.Students.Accounts

List of Users:


To add users with this method you must first obtain a list from your schools computer clerk. Please note this site is set up to have the fields in this order: Student Id, Sta, Last Name, First Name, Middle, Gnrtn, Grd, Gen, Birthdate.

Once you have obtained the list open it with Microsoft Excel and go to File Save As-> In the save as type field select CSV (comma delimited). Save file in a location you can find. Now fill out this form with the correct domain information and select the file that you just created. When you press submit the server will generate the files required to add the users. You will be asked to download a zip file. Download this file and transfer it to your Domain Controller. On your domain controller extract the files from the zip to your desktop. Next go to Start->Run-> Type "cmd" then press enter->Type "cd desktop" and press enter. Now type "run" and press enter. The user database is now being entered into the server. Once the users are added the command prompt will say press any key to continue. Pressing a key will start the password setting. Don't interrupt the password setting progress. When you see the command prompt stop moving all users have been added and their passwords will have been set.


User's login with there Username is the student id and their password is their birthday


Username: 123456

Password: 03/14/1975